Is it Safe to Buy Used Tires?

January 04, 2021 If you’ve been wondering whether buying used tires is a good idea, you are not alone. Many vehicle owners often ask for our recommendation on buying used tires, especially for replacing a single tire that’s damaged. Admittedly, one of the biggest advantages of used tires is that consumers are able to save…

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What happens to a car at the scrapyard?

December 14, 2020 If you’re reading this article, you probably have a junk car taking up space on your property for years. You’ve decided to take it to the scrapyard, but you have no idea how to scrap it. Thanks to movies, many people assume that scrapping is about a car getting crushed by a…

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So What is Auto Recycling Anyway?

Generally, vehicles are known to be useful when they are in good condition but did you know that they still have value in them even when they reach the end of their life? When vehicles are all worn out, they are usually left in the backyard or sometimes stored away in the garage. If your…

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